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[casi] Glossop Anti-War Mtg.

Dear Diarmuid & List,

Your speech should put across a powerful case against the twisted
international policies of the US/UK governments. Just some comments, which
may be of relevance.

Some deadly children's diseases in Iraq, related to sanctions/bombings:
Typhoid, Dysentery, Cholera, Kwarshiokor & Childhood Cancers.

You are probably aware that the expression 'crusade' or 'moral crusade'
is sensitive, as it relates to historic warfare against Islamic people.

Re. UN Inspectors, the Iraqis are in a Catch 22 situation - damned if they
do, damned if they don't. This is blatant anti-diplomacy.

Here are paralells, all suggesting 'war against terrorism':
Bush & genocide of Iraqi people.
Sharon & genocide of Palestinian people.
Putin & genocide of Chechneyan people.
Not forgetting Tibet.

Maybe Iraqi, or better still, international Weapons Inspectors should go in
to the USA, searching for weapons of mass destruction, chemical/
biological weapons etc. Since Vietnam, or even since the hunting down of the
indigenous peoples of the Americas, can the USA really ever be trusted? Or,
for that matter, remembering Suez etc., can Britain be trusted (I hope it

Superpowers who impose their might upon the world would do well to bear in
mind the plight of the Holy Roman Empire.

As for this illegal, immoral & dangerous maverick war against Iraq, and to
War Without Limits, "NOT IN OUR NAME!"

Greetings, hope all goes well on Monday,  Bert G.

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