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[casi] Unicef reports and two others

1. Old Unicef report is on-line
2. New Unicef report is partially on-line
3. New "counter-dossier" is on-line somewhere
4. News report on the Iraqi opposition.

1. The 1999 Unicef report appears to be wholly on the Unicef site (except
for the acknowledgements page) via:

The Preliminary report for south-centre is:

The full south-centre report is at:

And the northern reports are at:

2. The February 2002 Unicef report is patly on the CASI site:
"The Situation of Children in Iraq: An Assessment Based on the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child"

"This erosion of human development - which one can effectively term
'de-development' - therefore appears attributable to the lasting effects
of the crises of 1990-1 including the resulting sanctions regime, in spite
of the attempts by the Security Council to alleviate the impact on the

3. In advance of the Blair dossier to be release this Tuesday, I have
co-authored a "counter-dossier" with Alan Simpson, MP for Nottingham
South. It is entitled: "The dishonest case for war on Iraq".

This comes to 9 pages of going over the likely government claims,
and assessing them for accuracy and plausibility. A print pamphlet copy is
available on request in the UK (and a separate organisation is producing
copies in the US).

The pamphlet was produced by the Labour Against the War grouping
but the text is not on their website yet.

It has appeared on-line in a number of other places, eg:

Comments would be greatly appreciated.

4. An article on the US-funded opposition, for which I receive some
credits, appears in the Sunday Herald today. It's at:

May be useful, though it's nothing new.

All the best

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