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Re: [casi] incubator babies mark 2?


I suspect that Felicity was rubbishing and belittling the propaganda put out
by the west rather than the suffering of Iraqis. Felicity has travelled in
Iraq and has seen some very unpleasant sights. I do not imagine that she has
any particular brief for the dictator.

We are all well aware that Saddam Hussein stands indicted of some
particularly horrific crimes against humanity. We all know what happened at
Halabjah. We have all heard of the torture and the executions, desgined to
protect the dictator. On a personal note, I would only be too happy to see
"regime change" if only it was part of an organic process and carried out by
the Iraqi people themselves or at their direct request and only when the
organic nature of it meant that there was a viable alternative that *would
have the interests of the people* at heart.

However, we are also well aware of the penchant our governments have for
constructing elaborate lies in order to sell the unsellable to us. We have
heard so much nonsense put forward by so many sources, that we are
suspicious and hostile to anything that smacks of propaganda. For what
little consolation it may be to you, our suspicion and hostility is provoked
as much, if not more so, by the implications such propaganda will have for
the people of Iraq as it is by the insult to our intelligence. In Felicity's
post, I saw a person who was sick to death of all of the rubbish that we're
being fed.

I am sure that Felicity will respond to you herself, but I hope she will
forgive me for making assumptions on her behalf. However, I think that it is
fair to say that everybody who subscribes to this list and bothers to pay
any attention to the escalation to massive destruction in Iraq does so out
of a purely altruistic regard for the Iraqi people whose forbearance and
dignity set an example to all. We are proud to stand in solidarity with


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