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Re: [casi] Regime change, the lesser evil

>The priority must be an end to sanctions
>Mark Parkinson

The priority is to end Saddam's regime and end sanctions.

More importantly, would not a regime change by the US by the quickest and
least bloody way of ending sanctions?

Stop being a pacifist and be realistic and practical.

Best wishes,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Parkinson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: [casi] Regime change, the lesser evil

> Yet a crucial element of this
> argument is often neglected, namely what is the opinion and attitude
> of the Iraqi people themselves to the prospect of war?

A huge majority against - does he have any evidence to the contrary?

> The suffering of the Iraqi
> people is profound and extraordinary in scale.

Agreed - due to the Gulf War bombing of civilian facilities and the
genocidal sanctions
which are unprecedented in history. There has been a dramatic fall in the
quality of life.
Saddam has been a constant. It is our actions which have so devastated Iraq.

> What makes it even more
> painful is its concealment by the Iraqi government and the ignorance
> about it of the rest of the world.

Agreed. The GoI is excessively secretive and this allowed the US/UK to bomb
regardless and destroy the country and its people through sanctions.

> It is impossible for anyone who has not lived in Iraq to comprehend
> the continuous psychological oppression of the people by the regime.

What about the pressure from lack of food and medicines, bombing, foreign
jets, seeing
your children die, DU etc

> These are not mere words - this is the daily, lived experience of
> millions of Iraqi people. The result is that every Iraqi is trapped
> and isolated in an individual cocoon, on constant alert from what
> their eyes may do or their tongue may let slip. The consequence of any
> such 'mistake' or 'slip' has almost always been the execution of the
> 'guilty' and some or all of their immediate family, preceded by
> unimaginable torture and interrogation. And in case the fear is not
> great enough, the Iraqi government has been known to carry out random
> arrests of thousands of citizens, subjecting them to inhuman treatment
> according to the logic that this helps to flush out opponents of
> Saddam. No wonder that every knock on the door makes the hearts of
> Iraqis stop.

No mention of the sanction!

> Iraq float not just on a pool of oil, but on an ocean of blood.
> According to the lowest estimates, over ten percent of the Iraqi
> population has been killed by Saddam Hussein and his regime over the
> three decades of its rule.

Even if the Iraqi opposition figures are to be belived this is not as bad as
the US/UK
ocean of Iraqi blood - 5% in one decade.

> To oppose such a war would be to maintain the status quo. That is for
> another million Iraqis to be slaughtered, hundreds of thousands to be
> tortured, and an entire nation subjected to fear and individually
> encapsulated in their own oppression.

Yes - another million slaughtered by sanctions., several million stunted and
inadequate healthcare, education etc

> No war, no government can
> ever be as bad as Saddam Hussein's regime.

These sanctions are,

Iraqis are so desperate
> that even a Latin America-style or Shah of Iran-type ruler would be
> preferable to them.

They are desperate for proper food, clean water, sanitation equpment, power

> Any civilian casualties are tragic, but those resulting from regime
> change would be minimal in comparison to the numbers that would die if
> Saddam were to remain.

> A regime change - to democracy

> There can only be one reason for opposing regime change, and it is
> neither moral nor ethical: lack of care for the suffering Iraqi
> people.

Bad reasoning!

> Iraqis need regime change - a change to democracy. The moral and
> ethical grounds for this are undisputable, and such a course would
> save hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives.

The priority must be an end to sanctions
Mark Parkinson

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