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[casi] Question re: diplomats and Iraq-UNSCOM agreement


Regarding Rania's question regarding February 1998 Iraq-UNSCOM
agreement and the use of diplomats, here's the relevant passage from
the 23 February MOU (taken from

[start clip]

4. The United Nations and the Government of Iraq agree that the
following special procedures shall apply to the initial and subsequent
entries for the performance of the tasks mandated at the eight
Presidential Sites in Iraq as defined in the annex to the present

(a) A Special Group shall be established for this purpose by the
Secretary-General in consultation with the Executive Chairman of
UNSCOM and the Director General of IAEA. This Group shall comprise
senior diplomats appointed by the Secretary-General and experts drawn
from UNSCOM and IAEA. The Group shall be headed by a Commissioner
appointed by the Secretary-General.

(b) In carrying out its work, the Special Group shall operate under
the established procedures of UNSCOM and IAEA, and specific detailed
procedures which will be developed given the special nature of the
Presidential Sites, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the
Security Council.

(c) The report of the Special Group on its activities and findings
shall be submitted by the Executive Chairman of UNSCOM to the Security
Council through the Secretary-General.

[end clip]

On March 10, 1998, it was announced that UNSCOM would run inspections
led by diplomat Jayantha Dhanapala.  He would do first eight
inspections, then he'd appoint a deputy to do additional visits. See
CSIS' chronology: The Iraq Crisis: A Chronology of the 'War of
Sanctions', Anthony Cordesman, 12/2/98.

Hope this helps.

Brian Auten

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