The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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[casi] (no subject)

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Dear List,
      The media here in US IS NOT REPORTING the mass protests in this country against war on Iraq. 
Only alternative media here in the US is focusing on it.  On
on today's show , Thursday Oct 3 , Amy does an interview with actor Ed Asner ,about Not in Our Name 
resistance. Also if you scroll down to Monday Sept. 30," Bush is Lying" you can here the protests 
in Washington this last weekend, including all those that C-span edited out of their broadcast. It 
comes on after interviews wt 2 senators that oppose a war on Iraq. These 2 senators were also on 
C-span. They talked about the cancer increase in children because of depleted Uranium used in 
construction in US weapons.
     I 'd  suggest another book for reading list "The  Children are dying" by Ramsey Clark.
It is published by  International Action Center
It starts," Sanctions violate International law". According to the Geneva Convention .Part 5, 
section 1, Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited. I only hope that the 
energy of opposition against this war will not let up until sanctions are ended. As we all know at 
CASI  , sanctions is war on Iraq also.
      Below is the Pledge of Resistance that was signed by  September 11 Ground Zero Workers, to be 
read at Central Park this Sunday Oct. 6

        "We,a group of 9/11 Ground Zero rescue workers,
         Take this pledge of non-violent resistance--
         Because we feel we have a responsibility to those we could not save
         And to those who call us heroes
         To do everything in our power to make sure  that no one, ever again,
         Experiences  such horror, here or abroad.

          We, a group of people, who ran for our lives on 9/11,
          Take this Pledge of non-violent resistance--
           Because we know that we are not the first or only people
           To run so fast and run so hard
          All  the while  knowing that if the buildings don't kill us
          Surely our shattered hearts will.

         We, a group of people, who watched as mothers and fathers jumped to their death,
         Take this pledge of non-violent resistance--
          Because we believe it is unpatriotic to care only for American families.
          We believe that there is no competition in grief,
          We know first hand  that gut-wrenching loneliness is so powerful that it
          translates into every language.

         We, a group of 9/11 uniformed public servants,
          Take this pledge of non-violent resistance--
         Because we resent our President  telling us how we represent the  best America
          has to offer
          While simultaneously with holding funding for our medical treatment.
          As soon as we are told how thankful he is for all we have done, how proud he
          is of our bravery.
          Our efforts and suffering are used as the excuse for further violence.
          Please know that we do not want to be repaid with vengeance
         And we will not allow it to be perpetrated on our behalf. ...

          ...........The pledge continues on

         Peace and much thanks to all.    Peace Promise

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