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[casi] interview w/ Int'l Institute for strategic studies and IAEA

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Dear CASI members,

I just got off a live interview with "To The Point" - a show on Public
Radio International featured in LA, California.  I thought to share with
you some potentially useful points.  I was interviewed with a
representative from the IAEA (Mark Gawzdeki (sp?) and Terrence Taylor
(one of the former chief inspectors of UNSCOM and Executive Director of
the Int'l Institute for Strategic Studies), and Gary Milhoren (sp?) of
the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control Project.

Mark raised some important useful points for us. he said:

*       there was a high level of cooperation by 1995
*       by 1998, IAEA had neutralized Iraq's nuclear program
*       Iraq did submit a full, final and complete declarion, and Iraq
just filed its semi-annual declarations
*       regarding the terms of the US resolution, IAEA can't comment on
it, but he did say that after the discussions in Vienna, Iraq agreed to
treat "sensitive sites" equal to all other sites -- i.e. unrestricted

Gary kept repeating that everything that the Iraqi gov't shares is

Terrence of the IISS said:

*       he was opposed to use of armed troops to "protect" or enforce
"no-fly/no-drive" zones the inspectors would proclaim (this is what the
US.) his statement leads me to think that maybe the US is asking for
more than it can get so that it can show that it is compromising
*       he is supportive - as we would expect - of a strong UN
resolution backed with the threat of mililitary violence (he said
'force' ;-)
*       When I raised the issue of espionage, he denied it categorically

self-critique/fyi: when I raised the issue of espionage, I was asked by
the host to name the US officials.  I was not prepared to do so.  When I
attempted to place this issue in context with US objectives (regime
change, invasion, etc.), they all disregarded it as if it were
irrelevant to inspections.

hope that information is useful


We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.

- Ella Baker


Rania Masri, Ph.D.
Director, Economic and Environmental Justice Program
Institute for Southern Studies <>
Tel: (919) 419.8311. x27
Fax: (919) 419.8315
2009 Chapel Hill Rd.
Durham, North Carolina  27707

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