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[casi] Unicef Feb 2002 Situation of Children in Iraq

Dear all,

Re: Unicef 'Situation of Children in Iraq' (February 2002).

Glen recently mentioned that we had put a partial transcription of the
above document (which was only recently publicly released) on the CASI
website at .

For those keen to read the whole thing, we've now complemented that with a
scanned version of the whole report. The PDF file is rather large (4Mb),
as it contains scanned images of all 68 pages. You can find a link to it
from the above URL.

We'll put up a proper electronic copy of the whole report, in text format,
as soon as we can obtain the files from Unicef.

If anyone could read the report and write some kind of summary
(including any important quotes), that would be great.


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