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[casi] EPIC Press Release on House War Vote

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While we may have lost the vote in the House, no one expected that we
would win 133 Members of Congress to our side.  This is only the
beginning.  Help us sustain the struggle in Washington and win back the

EMERGENCY FUND-RAISING DINNER - Join us 6 pm this Saturday, October
12th, at the HILTON Alexandria Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Road,
Alexandria, VA 22311 to support the humanitarian and educational work of
the Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC) and LIFE for Relief &
Development. Speakers will include Ambassador Edward Peck, Br. Mahdi
Bray, Executive Director of MAS Freedom Foundation and the Honorable
Congressman from Michigan, John Conyers. Also invited are Former UN
Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, Representative Nick Rahall II and
Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia.  RSVP today by calling Jen Nader
at 202/543-6176 or visit for more information.
Together we can stop President Bush's rush to war!

- - - - - - - - -

Iraq War Resolution

For Immediate Release - Contact: Jen Nader, (202) 543-6176

October 10, 2002 (Washington, DC) - This afternoon the U.S. House of
Representatives rebuffed the White House's attempt to secure a strong
Congressional mandate to launch a pre-emptive attack on Iraq. Instead,
Representatives were divided in whether or not to support the President.

Despite tremendous pressure from the White House, 133 lawmakers voted
against the Bush-Gephardt war resolution (H.J.Res.114). Among the 296
"yea" votes, numerous Representatives expressed deep misgivings with
regards to voting in favor of the Bush-Gephardt war resolution.

"The absence of unreserved support for the President's war resolution
conveys opposition to the President's pre-emption doctrine," declared
Gulf War veteran and EPIC Executive Director Erik Gustafson. "We are
encouraged to see many Members of Congress courageously take a step
further by altogether rejecting the President's request of war

On both sides of the aisle, congressional offices report getting flooded
with letters, faxes, calls and emails from constituents who oppose a war
in Iraq. Feeling this pressure and expressing fears about the risks
involved with a U.S. war in Iraq, some Republicans broke ranks with
their party by refusing to grant the President's request for war

"As a mother of nine children, I cannot help but think about this issue
on a personal level," said Republican Rep. Constance A. Morella of
Maryland. "Can I, or can any parent, look into the eyes of an
18-year-old boy and with a clear mind and clean conscience say that we
have exhausted every other option before sending him into the perils of

Among strong signs of support for an alternative course of action, 155
lawmakers voted for a proposal sponsored by Rep. John Spratt (D-SC) that
would authorize the use of U.S. force against Iraq contingent upon
authorization by the UN Security Council. If the Council failed to
sanction the use of force, the Spratt Amendment would require the
President to come back for a second vote before he could act
unilaterally against Iraq.

A second amendment sponsored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) secured
72 votes from lawmakers. Rather than authorizing war, the Lee Amendment
urges the President to work peacefully "through the United Nations to
seek to resolve the matter of ensuring that Iraq is not developing
weapons of mass destruction."

A 'motion to recommit' sponsored by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) garnered
101 votes. If the motion had passed, before Congress could authorize
war, Bush would have been required to first answer critical questions
concerning the long-term costs and consequences of a preemptive war on
the stability of the Middle East and the U.S. economy.

Taken together, heavy support for the Spratt and Lee amendments and the
motion to recommit demonstrated the breadth of unease and opposition to
the President's go-it-alone rush to war embodied in H.J. Res. 114.

"The Americans people oppose a war in Iraq without allies and want to
see UN weapons inspectors returned to Iraq." Mr. Gustafson continued,
"Furthermore, the President's refusal to substantiate with evidence his
claims that Iraq poses an immediate threat to the national security of
the United States has weakened his case for war."

"The President said he would unite the country and Congress, and instead
he has divided both" Gustafson said.

# # #

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