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[casi] Next!

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Hello all.

I know that there were countless individuals here in the US who called,
wrote, marched, and shouted against this recent vote in the Congress.
Unfortunately, many, most of our Congresspeople ignored the will of the

I know that I will continue to call, write, march, and shout in hopes that
they will begin to hear.  I am not too optimistic.

I know that the UK has apparently had more people marching than have we
US'rs, apparently also to no avail.  So if the politicians are not listening,
then what?

My question to you all, since this is a "discussion" list, is what next?  It
has been suggested that we inundate the UN Security council members with
emails, calls, Petitions? Etc.  Is this appropriate, is it worthwhile?  Do
we, collectively, do this?

Also, for those of you who are participating in the peace petition to
(43)George W. via (41)George H. I wanted to remind you that George H. will be
where I am on November 1st, so I need the petitions in the next couple of
weeks.  If any of you missed this, it is a petition calling on "nonviolent
means of conflict resolution" which George H. will be given to pass on to
George W.  This will be one of those petitions that someone who has some
level of influence will actually see!  I am fairly confident that George W.
will at least know of this petition from his "dad."  For those of you who
need the mailing address please email me directly.

If any of you wish to participate, email me and I will send you the
attachment directly.

Peacefully yours,

Roger Stroope
"Ideas are more powerful than weapons"
Austin College

"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national
obligations of obedience…Therefore [individual citizens] have the duty to
violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from
occurring" -- Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal, 1950

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