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RE: [casi] 30,000 rally against war with Iraq

>The protests in Washington, DC were far less. And the rally in the UK
for countryside issues (a few weeks ago) was more successful than the
protests against action with Iraq.

The Countryside March (on a budget of £1 million) appears to have mobilised
about 300-400,000 people. The Stop the War march on Sept 28 appeared to have
mobilised about 150,000-200,000 on a budget of £40,000.

I think that both will have the same immediate effect on government policy:
none at all. However, getting 150k people out is a good morale-boost for any
antiwar movement. Hopefully it will inspire us to do things that will have
an impact:
 - Educate our friends, neighbours and relatives, and propagandise against
the war
 - Carry out direct action to slow down the war effort

Chris Williams

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