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[casi] Uranium weapons in Afghanistan and Iraq

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I posted a message recently regarding suspected use of Depleted Uranium guided weapons in the 
Afghan War, and concerns about their probable use in a new attack on Iraq.

Last week another researcher discovered US Patents verifying the development of Uranium guided 
weapon warheads since 1985.  This has immediate implications for US & UK war plans in Iraq.  It 
increases the probability that there are serious health risks in Afghanistan and for expat troops 
and civilians who have been there recently.

It casts serious doubt on UK Government assurances that no Depleted Uranium weapons have been used 
in Afghanistan.

I have updated my website again to put all available data in the public domain. This includes the 
new data from the US Patent Office verifying Uranium warheads added to (details in a new PDF file).

The Uranium Hazards for Iraq report (24 September) is now added as a web page (as well as a PDF 
file) at

Implications for UNEP studies in the Balkans and Afghanistan have been amended in Depleted Uranium 
weapons 2001-2002 at   The independent operation of UNEP is 
vital to international confidence in allied military operations.  Their work has apparently been 
compromised over the past 2 years by NATO governments to sanitise the reputation of Uranium 
weapons.  Perhaps also to counter ongoing health concerns in Iraq.  They have no published plans to 
investigate Uranium hazards in Afghanistan despite specific intentions to do so in their new study 
on Bosnia starting this month.


Dai Williams, independent weapons researcher
Woking, Surrey

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