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Re: [casi] Recent Amnesty

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In a message dated 10/24/2002 6:30:46 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> The only thing that can restore the
> disastrous situation in Iraq is the removal of
> saddam and his government and establishing a

Perhaps, the "only thing" is not the only thing.  Perhaps a lifting of
economic sanctions, the rebuilding of the nations infrastructure, the
reintroduction of the Iraqi people into the global community, along with so
many other necessary happenings will bring about a new age for the country
and its peoples.

At the same moment, perhaps the cessation of capitalistic interests as they
relate to militarizing SH will ease the political suffering that is inflicted
upon the wonderful people of that nation.  Had the countries who were so
interested in making money at the expense of the civilian population,
fighting the Iranian "threat," and "putting down" the Kurds to appease the
Turks, not been so @*#& greedy, SH would have never been what SH is.

My hope is that sanctions will be eliminated.  That investments will be
limited to the creation of a once again modern Iraq.  That SH will see the
futility of his ways and drastically moderate his ways, towards peace and
benevolence.  As this is idealistic, I will hope and work on stopping the
war, lifting the sanctions, and leave the SH to others.  I cannot believe
that the appropriate course of action involves US/UK bombs ending the lives
of the innocents of Iraq, which would certainly be the case.

For all who call on violence to end violence, I hope that you can understand
the "other" perspective.  There are many of us who see a fundamental
contradiction in ending violence by violent means.


Roger Stroope
"Ideas are more powerful than weapons"
Austin College

"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national
obligations of obedience…Therefore [individual citizens] have the duty to
violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from
occurring" -- Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal, 1950

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