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[casi] Re: Roger Stoope about Peace Promise post

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Dear Roger Stroope,
     It was not necessary for you really to re-write  what I had already posted to CASI.
But since you did, I think you very much mis-understood what I was saying. I was not implying 
religious meditating. I was saying that taking a co-ordinated moment when we all could "VISUALIZE"  
peace. Infact use the power of the IDEA  to ferment change. You obviously agree with that in that 
you stated it yourself in the last line of your post."Ideas
are more powerful than weapons"  I was not saying to dismiss those other things;protesting, writing 
etc. etc.. But let us also be honest about something. Protesting , writing ,etc. those things 
consume a lot of energy, almost to a point of exhaustion.Yes I think they are important and I 
believe they work but you can only do so much of it. A moment of Visualizing an idea takes little 
energy . It is not dependant on whether you are a religious person or not. Remember the movie 
"Field of Dreams", "see it and it shall come".  That is all I was suggesting. Let's face it and be 
honest about things.
We all in the US wrote and called our congress, constantly. Though we won some successes, it didn't 
work. If we keep using the regular channels to make change, and they don't work,
then maybe we want to start considering the ones we haven't tried.
By the way for the purposes of this list my name is apeace promise. I'm sorry if you have problems 
with that.

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