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[casi] Letter to Daily Mail

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

20, New Road,
Hailey, Oxon
OX29 9TZ

                               4th November,2002  01993  775080

Dear Sir,

I am horrified by the article '10,000 reservists to be mobilised for war on
Iraq' by Matthew Hickley. The wishes of the British people seem to mean
nothing to Blair.
The wishes of the United Nations seem to mean nothing to Blair. Innumerable
Iraqi deaths seem to mean nothing to Blair. International Law seems to mean
nothing to Blair. Like Bush, Blair seems to believe he has some God-given
right to play God whenever the fancy takes him.

Bush has distorted reality and made up stories about Saddam, much like his
father did. Bush has his own reasons for war and is also not concerned with
what the American people want, too anxious to satisfy the Oil Lobby and

Likewise, Blair has produced his ludicrous 'dossier' which President Putin
has rightly dismissed as propaganda. The way Blair behaves is terrifying.
>From where does he think he gets the authority to call up reservists? He is
doing what he is doing in our name. It is time we told him no.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Leadbeater

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