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[casi] Who believes the threeee bears?

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

20, New Road,
Hailey, Oxon
England OX29 9TZ

                               4th November,2002  01993  775080

Dear Sir,

Your article entitled 'Allies Find No Links Between Iraq, Al Qaeda' by
Sebastian Rotella makes it abundantly clear that President Bush and his two
partners in crime, Cheney and Rumsfeld, have been completely untruthful about
Iraq, exaggerating the so-called threat to US of Saddam's so-called WMD and
completely fabricating the alleged links between Saddam and Al-Qaeda.

No civilised country can go to war yet again on the strength of Presidential
lies. The country has to know the truth before it authorises yet more Iraqi
and US deaths. US has no valid support from the rest of the world, from which
Bush claims he is going to assemble a coalition of forces. His only support
is from his poodle, who has produced his own 'dossier' of evidence,
contemptuously dismissed by President Putin as propaganda.

It really is time US people stood up and protested.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Leadbeater

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