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Re: [casi] UN Approves New Resolution Ordering Iraq to Disarm

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In a message dated 08/11/02 16:08:48 GMT Standard Time,

> Subj:[casi] UN Approves New Resolution Ordering Iraq to Disarm
> Date:08/11/02 16:08:48 GMT Standard Time
> From:<A HREF=""></A>
> Reply-to:<A HREF=""></A>
> To:<A HREF=""></A>
First Thoughts:

Well, we lost that round but France and Russia did make material changes to
the resolution. We have to continue to assume that US/UK will continue to act
without integrity. We did have what looks like a positive step forward in the
Turkish election. The new government has made it clear(so far) that it is
opposed to Turkey being used for any attack on Iraq. Saudi Arabia is more
against involvement than seemed weeks ago.

I think it is probably safe to assume that UN will not authorise war so we
have to keep the pressure on any country which looks likely to participate in
any illegal coalition which Bush may try to raise. Most of the likely
countries are part of ICC. UK Law Officers have stated that any attack on
Iraq without new UN resolution would be illegal. The risks that these
countries would run, both government and troops, should be made clear to

I think we should also concentrate on trying to keep the other surrounding
countries defiant of US demands, congratulating Saudi Arabia and Turkey on
decision to refuse, encouraging King Abdullah to remain steadfast despite US
pressure, trying to encourage Qatar and Kuwait. I can't see UAE being
involved but they might. I can't see Iran either. What do others think?

Second thoughts will follow if I get any. It will be interesting to see what
the Arab countries discuss this weekend.



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