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re:[casi] Iraqi opposition delegation in Baghdad...

Dear Ahmed & List,

Information about the Alliance is not much. I know that it was a group
established in 1990 from Ba'thists, Communists and Arab Nationalists (Nassirites).
Some had left Iraq back in the 1970s (al- Kubaisy) and some in the 1990s. This is
not the same Alliance which was formed of some officers in the UK a couple of
years ago.
Al-Qalamchi was an officer and he escaped in the early 1970s after being
accused of taking part in a coup attempt. Al-Kubaisy lived in Syria from 1976
until the 1990s when he moved to Paris.
The group opposes the Iraqi regime, but does not call for the overthrow of the
regime. They demand democracy and liberties, and believe that these measures will
strengthen the internal front against any aggression.But they refuse to acooperate
with the INC or the Accord group which they consider CIA puppets.

The Alliance does not have a web page or e-mail addresses as far as I could
find. Very little was written about them before this trip to Baghdad.
So if you have Arabic Windows, you can search in Google in Arabic (al-Tahaluf
al-Watani al-Iraqi) and this will take you to several links which will some more


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