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[casi] Trans Jordan

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Hello, I was wondering if any of you are versed in Jordan.  I have a
schoolmate whose brother (military) is off to Jordan in preparation for an
illegal war against Iraq.
She has asked me if I know of the situation as to the feelings of Jordanians
towards the West, and any terrorist activities.
I gave her background on Trans Jordan and the situation with Palestine and
trading with Iraq.  I know nothing of any terrorist activities or what sort
of jeopardy her brother might be in in Jordan.
Any thoughts?

Roger Stroope
"Ideas are more powerful than weapons"
Austin College, Sherman Texas

"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national
obligations of obedience…Therefore [individual citizens] have the duty to
violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from
occurring" -- Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal, 1950

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