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[casi] so-called no fly zones

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Prior to the current US/UK created crisis in Iraq (impending war) there was
very little, very little, reporting on the so-called no fly zones, other than
Felicity's work showing the brave US/UK War planes blowing up herds of goats
and the children that watch them, which of course managed to be ignored here
in the blanket of Democracy.  (we take the blanket and cover our eyes and
stuff it in our ears here on this side of the pond)

Now that inspections are on-going with the full cooperation of GOI, the US/UK
are bombing Iraq nearly every day.  Kofi, god bless his timid little soul,
has said that Iraq's feeble attempts at self defense are not material
breaches although the chicken hawks in D.C. are suggesting that they are.  I
have not heard little Kofi suggest that perhaps the US/UK should stop
murdering people in Iraq with the excellent bombs we make in this country.

So, here is the question, what the heck does the world think of this?  I know
here in the US there is not one legitimate question being asked concerning
the utterly, completely, totally, illegal bombings by the US and it's poodle
Blair.  Wondering if there is anyone anywhere asking the obvious questions?
Wondering if anyone anywhere within the UN is decrying these blatant
violations of International Law by the US Imperium?  Wondering if anyone
anywhere has any suggestions as to anything that anyone can do to stop these
bombs, which are killing people?
(Wondering if Kofi might get a pulse and a backbone?)

And while your at it, any ideas on averting a war and lifting sanctions?

Roger Stroope
"Ideas are more powerful than weapons"
Austin College, Sherman Texas

"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national
obligations of obedience…Therefore [individual citizens] have the duty to
violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from
occurring" -- Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal, 1950

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