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[casi] honour killings of women

As Amnesty have suggested, the British are being highly selective in this dossier which
is just an attempt to demonise SH to help justify the genocide of sanctions and the future
war, occupation and installation of a puppet regime in Iraq.

I'm not sure that one wants to follow this distraction but we all know how the US/UK
wishes to give the impression that all is fine in Iraqi Kurdistan away from the influence of
SH (just like they did when SH was fighting our proxy war with Iran). eg

1)      Turkey invading Iraq to kill Kurds
2)      sanctions also damaging the Kurds
3)      preventing either of the main Kurdish parties coming to an autonomy agreement
with the Iraqi government
4)      The British first legalised 'honour killings' in Iraq in 1918
5)      The 1998 law was repealed two years later
6)      The number of honour killings in the Kurdish controlled area increased
significantly since the no fly zones were started
7)      Compared to many other countries in the region, women were better off in Iraq

Of course, the way things are stacked, to try and say any of the above you get branded
as an apologist for SH!

On 4 Dec 2002 at 13:54, Bert Gedin wrote:

> Per Klevnas,
> Bert Gedin has sent you an article from The
> Message from Bert Gedin:
> Dear Per & List,
> Here's an example. For more, try a good search engine, then type e.g.
> "Iraqi Honour Killings" or "Saddam Hussein & Honour Killings". - Good
> luck! Greetings,  Bertil G.

Mark Parkinson

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