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[casi] sierra club

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Date:         Wed, 11 Dec 2002 13:49:06 -0500
Reply-To:     Sierra Club Press Releases<
Sender:       Sierra Club Press Releases<
From:         Allen Mattison <>
Subject:      "Win Without War" Urges Peace; Sierra Club Helps Launch
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-asciiFor Immediate Release: December 11,
2002Sierra Club: Allen Mattison, 202-675-7903Win Without War: Nathan Naylor,
202-822-4780 ext. 219

Major Religious, Civic and Environmental Leaders LaunchNational Coalition
Opposing Bush War PlanWin Without War ChallengesBush Preemption of Peace
ProcessGroup to mobilize mainstream opposition & sustained protestsIf White
House continues unilateral war build-up

The Sierra Club and leaders of other influential civic,environmental and
faith organizations today announced the creation of a newcoalition in support
of a peaceful, diplomatic solution to the crisis inIraq.  The new group, Win
Without War, represents millions of Americans andseeks to prevent bloodshed
and loss of life on all sides by slowing theBush Administration's apparent
rush to war so that U.N. Arms Inspectorshave time to carry out their mission.
 Today's event followed a Win WithoutWar press conference with celebrities
held yesterday in Hollywood, CA.Representatives from the National Council of
Churches (NCC), the NAACP,National Organization for Women (NOW), Sierra Club,
Working Assets lent support from their various organizations to
the peaceeffort."By reducing our dependency on oil, the U.S. can increase our
nationalsecurity and reduce the threat of war, as well as clean up our air
and curbglobal warming," said Larry Fahn, Sierra Club Vice President.  "Our
countryhas the know-how to cut our dependence on oil by using energy
efficiency,modern technology, and renewable power.  Because war has dire
environmentaland social impacts, the Sierra Club urges the U.S. to let the
UnitedNations inspectors do their job so the parties can resolve the Iraq
issuepeacefully.""An unprovoked military attack against Iraq would not be a
just war,"stated Reverend Bob Edgar, NCC General Secretary. "Such a war would
violatethe UN Charter, cause the deaths of many innocent people, and
unleashforces of political extremism and terror.""The NAACP and millions of
African-Americans who are uneasy about theproposed war with Iraq stand with
Win Without War today," said Julian Bond,Chairman of the NAACP Board of
Directors. " The war against terrorism andsecurity on the domestic front are
much more pressing issues for PresidentBush to address."Win Without War was
founded on the conviction that security for Americansand U.S. allies abroad
can be achieved through aggressive inspections,sustained monitoring programs
and the dismantling of Iraqi weapons of massdestruction. Win Without War
members pledge to broaden opposition to BushAdministration calls for a
unilateral invasion of Iraq and vow to intensifythe protests that began this
week in dozens of cities for as long asnecessary."George W. Bush's drive for
war against Iraq may serve his politicalambition but it will not make our
country more secure," said Terry O'Neill,NOW Membership Vice President.
"Moreover, women would bedisproportionately affected by war against Iraq.  As
has happened duringprevious wars, funds will be diverted from education,
health, welfare andother vitally needed social programs from an already
downsized budget.Women will bear the greatest burden of any decrease in
domestic spending inorder to finance this war.""We've seen an enormous
concern from our members about the President'splans for war with Iraq," said
Eli Pariser, International CampaignsDirector,  "Many who have
never been politically active nowfeel compelled to act.  Especially worrisome
is the Bush Administration'sapparent intent to obstruct or undermine the
weapons inspectionsprocess-which is why our petition calling on the President
to "Let theInspections Work" has been one of our fastest-growing campaigns
ever.""The Bush administration's priorities are seriously reversed," said
MelissaDaar, State Political Manager, Working Assets.  "Instead of rushing to
war,Bush should keep him promise to find bin Laden and let UN inspectors
dotheir job."# # #- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Roger Stroope
Treat others not as you wish to, but as they wish to be...
Austin College, Sherman Texas

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