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[casi] Fw: [Aftermath] Live debate Channel 4 16th Jan PLUS phone poll 15th

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----- Original Message -----
From: B R
To: Aftermath ; MK StopWar
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 10:36 PM
Subject: [Aftermath] Live debate Channel 4 16th Jan PLUS phone poll 15th

Iraq: your view:
Now let me tell you about something special coming up tomorrow night. We're having a live debate in 
this studio on Iraq, to ask whether Tony Blair CAN persuade the British public to support a war 
against Saddam. With the polls still suggesting a majority are NOT in favour, just how firm is the 
opposition to military action? We'll be joined by a Foreign Office Minister, experts and a group of 
Channel Four News viewers who've got their own questions about Iraq. We'd like to set the debate 
running with a phone-poll tonight.

The question we're asking is: Are you convinced by Tony Blair's case for possible military action 
against Iraq?

If the answer's yes, please call us on 09001 7474 01

If you're not convinced, the number to ring is 09001 7474 02

Calls cost 10p each. The lines are already open and will close tomorrow evening at seven. You can 
also email us at

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