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Re: [casi] cyber war

Dear Jiale and List,

I agree with you that writing to a potentially hostile
audience could be worthwhile. But no matter how skilful
you write, the chances of getting through to military
personnel is probably nil.

By contrast, the propaganda the US is dumping on Iraqi
military and civil servants has a blackmail effect:
"Failing to do so will lead to grave personal consequences."
This is meant to demoralize - not to persuade.

The US propaganda is dumping on the Iraqi people via the
airwaves is worth than useless, I'd think. For example:
"UNSCR 1441 has clearly strengthened the cause of peace
throughout the world. We can only hope that Saddam Hussein
seizes the opportunity to begin the end of the isolation and
suffering that his non-compliance with past UN resolutions
has brought on the Iraqi people." - Such cynicism is merely
contemptible: The Iraqi people know only too well who is
responsible for their "isolation and suffering".

As for posting to CASI itself: I myself find it encouraging
to read posts about peace efforts or condemnations/corrections
of war propaganda. It makes me feel I am not alone. (I don't
get much support where I live.) Besides, not everyone on the
list is necessarily anti-war or anti-sanctions, it seems.

I just read a book about the Resistance in France during WWII.
Mutual support was very important for morale. This may be
true for CASI too. And remember, war proponents too are aware
of its effect. They just choose to ignore it.

: I also wonder if anyone know of any joint effort
: between different religions to condemn the proposed
: war (I just heard that the Pope is against it). [...]
: Is anyone interested in discussing these things further?

I am not religious either, and I don't know how effective
(and sincere) condemnations of war by religious groups are.
Merely condemning war on moral grounds may have little effect.

But I know of some temporal (economic) measures to dampen the
enthusiasm for war. If this has a chance of gaining momentum
it could be very effective. There are several (small) groups
trying to get this started. The theory is that the economy
relies to two thirds (?) on consumer spending. So the majority
can wield a lot of power, if it chooses to use it.

Another way is appeal to image. The US is spending millions
on PR efforts to win "hearts and minds" for their wars. A
concerted email-blitz telling them (tactfully) that they
are actually losing could help.

But is it feasible? Can you get enough people to join? What
existing activist groups would join in - or take up these
ideas? Right now I am trying to find out. And I would like
discuss this with anyone who is interested.

in peace,
Elga Sutter

-------------Original Message-------------
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 21:51:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Jiale Ye <>
Subject: Re: [casi] cyber war

I find this piece of news very interesting and I
wonder if anyone has thought of doing similar sort of
thing ourselves e.g. writing to the forum frequented
by the US army/navy/airforce or just anybody in the
States /Britain telling them the hazards that will
follow a war on Iraq?  Of course it has to be done
very skilfully in order not to be classified as spam.
Sorry guys, but I always feel that there is not much
use posting on this list - because the fact that I am
on this list means that I have a certain level of
knowledge of the situation and I don't need much
convincing in order to appreciate the effect of the

I also wonder if anyone know of any joint effort
between different religions to condemn the proposed
war (I just heard that the Pope is against it).  I am
not religious myself but I imagine they have quite an
impact on public opinion (all the more so if it is
joined in by different religious leaders).  Is anyone
taking any initiatives to facilitate this?  Is anyone
interested in discussing these things further?

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