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[casi] I think its time to E mail the new Security Council

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    US/UK war on Iraq-
Date:   16/01/03 15:21:53 GMT Standard Time
From:   <A HREF="mailto:Charlie Chimp 1">Charlie Chimp 1</A>
To: <A HREF=""></A>, <A 
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                   16th January,,2003   01993   775080

Your Excellency,

Several weeks have now passed during which the Inspectors have been carrying
out the investigations authorised by the Security Council into WMDs in Iraq.
As the Chief Inspector has announced, they have found no smoking gun.

Despite this, the leaders of US and UK seem determined on war despite almost
universal opposition and total failure to provide any evidence to justify
such action. The world is afraid that once again, US/UK will use blackmail,
bribery and bullying to achieve a 'satisfactory' Security Council resolution.

President Bush has made it clear that he does not regard US as bound by any
Security Council decision which he doesn't agree with and Prime Minister
Blair has claimed that he has the right to ignore Security Council vetoes if
he doesn't approve of them. This, despite the fact that both men are facing
considerable opposition inside their own countries which they appear
determined to ignore. This opposition will increase enormously if the
Security Council fails to approve of their war.

The world is looking to you for peace.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Leadbeater

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