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Re: [casi] Article submitted to ``Eclipse'' the anti-war review

I think that what you are trying to say is that  its ok to have saddam
and just blame the international community who I am aware of  are
majorly represented by the US.
but lets not also forget that Saddam had used the sanctions to opress
his people. Since these sanctions were imposed on Iraq the Bath's
regime gained highly out of this. They used the sanctions as a tool to
opress the Iraqi people more and make them suffer for the peice of
bread that they might eat. Removing these sanctions will not solve the
problem and make Iraqis happy. Iraqis in Iraq and outside Iraq
(obviously other that the Bath's) want Saddam to go.Saddam is the
origion of the suffering of the Iraqi people and yes the international
community has helped him but he IS the main source that needs to be
eliminated as soon as possible.
For your information the Iraqi people have been suffering for more than
30 years. From the time of origion of the Bath's and establishment of
dictatorship.To end the suffering of the Iraqi people Saddam and his
regime must go.I believe that this is what every Iraqi (other than


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