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[casi] Can't Blair ever tell the truth?

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

20, New Road,
Hailey, Oxon
OX29 9TZ

                         7th February,2003   01993   775080

Dear Sir,

Your article "UK war dossier a sham, say experts" by Michael White and Brian
Whitaker reveals just how shameful and inadequate the drive for war against
Iraq is on both sides of the Atlantic. For months we have been told about all
the secret intelligence information passing across our leaders' desks, which
they can't reveal to us because of the 'sensitivity of information
gathering'. Now we can see for ourselves what a load of drivel that is.

This new 'dossier' is old, and tired, and seems to owe little or nothing to
our intelligence services, being largely lifted and plagiarised from other
people's work. And this new 'dossier' has been so highly praised by Colin
Powell, and presumably his people, indicating that US intelligence services
are equally as ill-informed as ours are.

Most of us gave Colin Powell the benefit of the doubt. We were not impressed
with his presentation to the Security Council but we felt on balance he spoke
with integrity and meant well. I at least no longer feel that way. The drive
for war has been shown up as the farce that it is. The inspectors have to
have all the time they need.

Yours faithfully,

Christopher Leadbeater

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