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[casi] dodgy dossier

if anyone is still writing letters or talking to people about the
plagiarised dossier, you might want to mention that, despite a half-hearted
apology by the government, the dossier is still prominently placed on the
Downing St. website [, and
linked to from the front page, and from the page on Jack Straw's latest
Iraq statement]

As far as I can see, there is no clarification of sources or defense of the
document's validity.

Also, there were several articles in the Sunday papers repeating the idea
that war is necessary because sanctions aren't working - obvious scope for
letters there, opposing war, sanctions, or both.

Incidentally, if you're talking to people on either of these, could you be
careful NOT to do so on behalf of CASI? The committee periodically gets
complaints that CASI is overstepping its mandate by taking positions on
issues other than sanctions. This reduces our effectiveness in opposing
sanctions, and so we try pretty hard to avoid it. That's why Glen's dossier
revelation, for example, was handled without using CASI's name. So please
either write on your own behalf, or check with the committee
[] first.


Daniel O'Huiginn
O9, Queens' College, Cambridge
07789 260207 01223 260207

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