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[casi] Axis of Evil Mutual Defence Pact

Axis of Evil Members Sign Mutual Defence Pact

Iran, Iraq, and North Korea announced today a mutual defence pact and have
threatened the US with pre-emptive war if it does not immediately destroy
its WMD. The US threats and illegal acts such as destroying Iraq's defences
in the no-fly zones, the presence of special forces in northern Iraq, the
Iraq Liberation Act and other blatant challenges to the peace and security
of members can no longer be tolerated claimed an Iraqi spokesperson for the

The group plans to introduce a resolution in the UN calling for the US to
destroy its WMD and restricting its missiles to a range of 150 kilometres.
However, the group claimed the right to wage pre-emptive war with or without
UN authorisation.

The North Korean foreign minister Paek Nam-Sung noted that the Axis reserved
the right of self-defence of its peoples. The UN must show it is relevant
and credible by supporting our resolution. Should the UN fail in its
obligations the Axis will form a coalition of willing Evils to disarm the US
by force.

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