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Re: [casi] Soviet Miltary in Baghdad 1991?

Bert- Could you be thinking Kosovo?

"To NATO's surprise, about 200 Russian troops on Saturday arrived ahead of
alliance soldiers to take control of the airport in Pristina, Yugoslavia. On
Sunday, the Russian force blocked British KFOR units from the strategic
airfield .."


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bert Gedin" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:39 PM
Subject: [casi] Soviet Miltary in Baghdad 1991?

> Dear CASI Members,
> A friend & I have a query, which may seem irrelevant to the present-day
> situation. However, at least indirectly, it may have some bearing.
> In 1991, as the coalition forces were approaching Baghdad, so the story
> goes, the were met by a large contingent of Russian military, thus they
> decided to avoid Baghdad. Is there any truth in this, & were Russian
> ever participants in the so-called First Gulf War? Could there, on this
> issue, have been a cover-up?
> If any of you can help to shed some light in this matter, that would be
> much appreciated.
> Greetings,
> Bert Gedin.
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