The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

President George Bush is immoral and ignorant of the very 'biblical' values
he claims to adhere to so strongly.  He has far more enthusiasm for war, than
for housing the homeless, providing healthcare and education, for all the
needy in the United States, much less around the world.

His presidency appeals to the most selfish, racist, xenophobic, christian
crusading, materialistic and mean-spirited elements of the American

He calls out to the same sort of people who responded to calls to exterminate
the native americans - in the name of 'patriotism and god'

He calls out to same as those gleefully enslaved Africans because of 'god'
and those who fought a civil war slaughtering masses to support what they
thought was 'patriotic.'

He calls out to those who with that same 'god and patriotism' on their
tongues lynched thousands of African-Americans and fought as though their
lives depended on it, to maintain a "Jim Crow" south.

He calls out to those who locked away Japanese Americans in 'internment'
camps not because they were threats but because the war gave an excuse for
some to exercise their brutality.

I dislike George Bush and the Administration he rode in with...

and I am an American.

Sent via the discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
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