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[casi] Guardian: Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war,6903,905899,00.html

Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war

Secret document details American plan to bug phones and emails of key
Security Council members

Read the memo:,12239,905954,00.html

Talk about it: dirty tricks?

Martin Bright, Ed Vulliamy in New York and Peter Beaumont
Sunday March 2, 2003
The Observer

The United States is conducting a secret 'dirty tricks' campaign against
UN Security Council delegations in New York as part of its battle to win
votes in favour of war against Iraq.

Details of the aggressive surveillance operation, which involves
interception of the home and office telephones and the emails of UN
delegates in New York, are revealed in a document leaked to The

The disclosures were made in a memorandum written by a top official at
the National Security Agency - the US body which intercepts
communications around the world - and circulated to both senior agents
in his organisation and to a friendly foreign intelligence agency asking
for its input.

The memo describes orders to staff at the agency, whose work is clouded
in secrecy, to step up its surveillance operations 'particularly
directed at... UN Security Council Members (minus US and GBR, of
course)' to provide up-to-the-minute intelligence for Bush officials on
the voting intentions of UN members regarding the issue of Iraq.

The leaked memorandum makes clear that the target of the heightened
surveillance efforts are the delegations from Angola, Cameroon, Chile,
Mexico, Guinea and Pakistan at the UN headquarters in New York - the
so-called 'Middle Six' delegations whose votes are being fought over by
the pro-war party, led by the US and Britain, and the party arguing for
more time for UN inspections, led by France, China and Russia.

The memo is directed at senior NSA officials and advises them that the
agency is 'mounting a surge' aimed at gleaning information not only on
how delegations on the Security Council will vote on any second
resolution on Iraq, but also 'policies', 'negotiating positions',
'alliances' and 'dependencies' - the 'whole gamut of information that
could give US policymakers an edge in obtaining results favourable to US
goals or to head off surprises'.

Dated 31 January 2003, the memo was circulated four days after the UN's
chief weapons inspector Hans Blix produced his interim report on Iraqi
compliance with UN resolution 1441.

It was sent by Frank Koza, chief of staff in the 'Regional Targets'
section of the NSA, which spies on countries that are viewed as
strategically important for United States interests.

Koza specifies that the information will be used for the US's 'QRC' -
Quick Response Capability - 'against' the key delegations.

Suggesting the levels of surveillance of both the office and home phones
of UN delegation members, Koza also asks regional managers to make sure
that their staff also 'pay attention to existing non-UN Security Council
Member UN-related and domestic comms [office and home telephones] for
anything useful related to Security Council deliberations'.

Koza also addresses himself to the foreign agency, saying: 'We'd
appreciate your support in getting the word to your analysts who might
have similar more indirect access to valuable information from accesses
in your product lines [ie, intelligence sources].' Koza makes clear it
is an informal request at this juncture, but adds: 'I suspect that
you'll be hearing more along these lines in formal channels.'

Disclosure of the US operation comes in the week that Blix will make
what many expect to be his final report to the Security Council.

It also comes amid increasingly threatening noises from the US towards
undecided countries on the Security Council who have been warned of the
unpleasant economic consequences of standing up to the US.

Sources in Washington familiar with the operation said last week that
there had been a division among Bush administration officials over
whether to pursue such a high-intensity surveillance campaign with some
warning of the serious consequences of discovery.

The existence of the surveillance operation, understood to have been
requested by President Bush's National Security Adviser, Condoleezza
Rice, is deeply embarrassing to the Americans in the middle of their
efforts to win over the undecided delegations.

The language and content of the memo were judged to be authentic by
three former intelligence operatives shown it by The Observer. We were
also able to establish that Frank Koza does work for the NSA and could
confirm his senior post in the Regional Targets section of the

The NSA main switchboard put The Observer through to extension 6727 at
the agency which was answered by an assistant, who confirmed it was
Koza's office. However, when The Observer asked to talk to Koza about
the surveillance of diplomatic missions at the United Nations, it was
then told 'You have reached the wrong number'.

On protesting that the assistant had just said this was Koza's
extension, the assistant repeated that it was an erroneous extension,
and hung up.

While many diplomats at the UN assume they are being bugged, the memo
reveals for the first time the scope and scale of US communications
intercepts targeted against the New York-based missions.

The disclosure comes at a time when diplomats from the countries have
been complaining about the outright 'hostility' of US tactics in recent
days to persuade then to fall in line, including threats to economic and
aid packages.

The operation appears to have been spotted by rival organisations in
Europe. 'The Americans are being very purposeful about this,' said a
source at a European intelligence agency when asked about the US
surveillance efforts.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003

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