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[casi] Saddam already dead?

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This evening the Dutch television broadcasted an item in which an Iraqi doctor, Mr. Asassedi now 
living as a refugee in Iran, claimed Saddam Hussein has already died in 1999. He draws this 
conclusion on comparing pictures of the Iraqi leader, especially focusing in on his ears. Ears tend 
to differ from person to person in the same way fingerprints do.
On the same grounds he earlier claimed there must be at least eight different people 'playing' the 
role of Saddam. He also claimed the real Saddam hasn't appeared in public for over eight years. He 
went further to say the US-government already knows Saddam is no longer alive, but failed to show 
any   proof to this last statement.

It seems like a story far-fetched, but I thought it was worth mentioning.,1367,HOME-0-2016426,00.html

Sander Faas

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