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RE: [casi] publicity of anomalous birth defects in Iraq needed now

Here is what Leuren Moret, a scientist who is working on the DU issue, sent

Takashi Morizumi has lots of photos of birth defects.
He was in the hospital in Basra and the doctors would
ask him to come quickly to the delivery room to take
photos of the deformed babies before they died. I
have his photo booklet but his website is I am ccing Larry Cafiero who
helped to start this tour in the US with his wife
Kyoko and other Japanese. Since she speaks Japanese
and communicates with Takashi Morizumi they can get
the photos for you. Morizumi san has been in Iraq 4
or 5 times starting in about 1998.

I do not know about any birth defects in Kuwait and
Saudi Arabia, but believe me it's happening there too.
If you look on my letter to McDermott:
Letter to Congressman Jim McDermott:

Declassified 1943 memo to General L.R. Groves a
blueprint for depleted uranium

reference 6 and 8 refer to research reports which
reported du measured in the wind and environment in
Hungary and Kuwait. Although the authors
misinterpreted their own data, they reported measured
levels nonetheless. The birth defects have to be
there too. Elevated gamma levels were also measured
in Greece during bombing in Kosovo but the scientists
reporting this were fired and mobbed out of their

I have the full reports and the Greece info if you
ever need it. I will start asking around for Kuwait
and Saudi Arabia.


>===== Original Message From Dirk Adriaensens <>
>Dear all,
>excellent information about the use of depleted uranium can be found at the
>following websites:
> (Jo Baker)
> (Dai Williams)
>- Iraqi scientific research, articles and pictures about the effects on the
>civilian population of the use of depleted uranium during the Gulfwar:
>Hope this information is useful.
>Dirk Adriaensens.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mark Muhleder" <>
>To: "soc-casi-discu" <>
>Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 8:11 PM
>Subject: Re: [casi] publicity of anomalous birth defects in Iraq needed now
>> On Sun, 02 Mar 2003 11:27:03 -0700, pjw8 <Philippa.Winkler@NAU.EDU> wrote:
>> > Dear Friends,
>> > The time has come to publicize those photographs of grotesque birth
>> > defects
>> > that US/UK imperialism has inflicted on our sisters and brothers in Iraq
>> > as
>> > well as on offspring of US/UK veterans, linked to the use of DU.
>> > These photos have to be our posters in the marches and demonstrations.
>> > have
>> > to incorporate the film footage of  birth defects in our videos and
>> > documentaries.
>> Hi,
>> I was thinking just the same thing today, especially now that the war is
>> being touted as a moral war to liberate iraq. Where can we get hold of
>> footage and high-res images that we could use in documentaries and
>> Sorry if I missed the information in an earlier post, Ive only just signed
>> up to this list.
>> Mark Muhleder
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