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[casi] lates news out of iraq and the voices office

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here's the lates news out of iraq and the voices office:

1. a call to action from the iraq peace team
2. a way or two to answer the call

Call to STOP the Iraq WAR BEFORE it Escalates to
"Shock and Awe" - Act NOW!

Iraq Peace Team, Baghdad
March 1st, 2003

We, the undersigned 20 members of the Iraq Peace Team
in Baghdad, write you from the brink of tragedy - a
flesh and blood tragedy for the people of Iraq, a
moral tragedy for the people of the U.S.

We write you as the U.S. has assembled one of the
mightiest war machines ever to plague this fragile and
bloodied planet. This war machine is poised to attack
Iraq - a comparatively defenseless nation already
crippled by years of UN sanctions. A nation whose
misfortune, it has been said, is that "our" oil is
beneath its sands.

The attack - its Pentagon architects proudly call it
"shock and awe" - may happen any day now. It's aimed
at the cradle of much of the world's civilization.
Land of the Tigris and Euphrates, land of Sumer and
Babylon, land of Abraham and the Garden of Eden, Iraq
is also the land of 24 million human beings - most of
whom would be too young to vote or enlist if they were
in the U.S.

We were immensely heartened by the marches in the U.S.
- and all over the world - on February 15. We are
aware that many in the U.S. will hit the streets the
very day "shock and awe" commences.

Given its unimaginable scale, its unthinkable carnage,
however, "shock and awe" must be stopped BEFORE it

Our Call, then, is for PRE-EMPTIVE nonviolent civil
disobedience action in every village and city and
capitol in the U.S.

Please join us. We must all mobilize all of our
networks. We must all use our collective
resourcefulness. We must find ways to throw sand in
the gears of the war machine. The precise date of the
U.S. attack is unknown, but here is reason to believe
it may be very soon.

The time to act is now.

The Iraq Peace Team:
Cynthia Banas  Michael Birmingham  Cathy Breen  Chris Doucot  Kathy Kelly
Scott Kerr
Edward Kinane  Cliff Kindy  Ramzi Kysia  Michael Ferner  Doug Johnson
Charlie Litekey
Lisa Martens  Elaine Martinez  Lisa Ndejuru  Bettejo Passalaqua  Mary
Burton Risely
Trisch Schuh  Neville Watson  Jerry Zawada


sit-ins: go to your federal government offices, armed forces recruiting
centers, weapons companies (boeing, raytheon, lockheed-martin, etc),
military bases and SIT IN. there are different risks to doing this in different
place, so find your comfort level and push the envelope.

blockades: where is your local national guard located? are they being
deployed? where are they going? find out and be there!

shout-outs: find out where your public officials will be appearing in public. if
they're pro-war, challenge their position in public.

national moratorium: wednesday, march 5 is the national "stop the war"
moratorium--no work, no school, no driving, no business as usual.

ash wednesday: if you are a person of faith who would normally celebrate
ash wednesday, move your celebration to a congressional office, weapons
company, recruiting center, or whatever.

different acts of civil disobedience carry different risks and penalties, so find
your comfort level and PUSH IT.

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