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[casi] CESR research team members on the radio today

Latest Digest:

Dear Friends,

Members of CESR's recent research mission to Iraq will be giving radio
interviews today which can be heard in New York City, Berkeley, CA, and
throughout the country.

Dr. Ronald Waldman, Professor of Clinical Public Health at the Mailman
School of Public Health of Columbia University, will be speaking about
the humanitarian implications of a war in Iraq today at noon on the
Leonard Lopate show on WNYC in New York (93.9 FM and AM 820). Dr.
Waldman has extensive experience working in complex emergencies in
Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Albania, Congo, and Afghanistan, and is the
immediate past Chairman of the International Health Section of the
American Public Health Association.

Sarah Zaidi, CESR's Research Director, will address the humanitarian
implications of a war in Iraq today on Pacifica Free Speech Radio News,
which is broadcast on 54 stations across the country (please consult to find your local station and
broadcast time).  Zaidi participated in FAO missions to Iraq in 1993,
1995 and 1997, that highlighted the depth of the humanitarian crisisthat
highlighted the depth of the humanitarian crisis. Her letter to the
Lancet was the first to publicly discuss a figure of 500,000 excess
child deaths, later confirmed in a UNICEF epidemiological survey.

Roger Normand, CESR's Executive Director, will be speaking on KPFA (94.1
FM in Berkeley, CA) at 10:30am EST about implications for Afghanistan
now that the world's attention has turned to the crisis with Iraq.
Normand recently returned from a 12-day CESR research mission to Iraq
which examined the likely humanitarian consequences of a new war. The
research team, whose findings are set out in a new report, "The Human
Costs of War in Iraq" (see, concluded that a
US-led military intervention in Iraq will trigger the collapse of Iraq's
fragile public health and food distribution system, leading to a
humanitarian crisis that far exceeds the capacity of the United Nations
and relief agencies.

We apologize for the very short notice. Unfortunately, we often receive
very little advance warning ourselves.  Nevertheless, we feel that it is
important to let you know about these important discussions, and hope
that you will be able to tune in.

In solidarity,
Roger Normand


End of digest, issue 83

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