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[casi] Any suggestions??

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Subj: [arabmediawatch] Books to Iraq
Date: 07/03/03 12:55:38 GMT Standard Time
From: <A HREF=""></A>
Reply-to: <A HREF=""></A>
To: <A HREF=""></A>
Sent from the Internet (Details)

I wonder if anyone can help.  I work in a language school in Oxford as
Director of Studies.  A couple of months ago I received a letter from an
Iraqi school teacher asking for help with books and general school
resources. As we had just had a few changes at school, I had some books
which I no longer needed. I packed them up and took to the PO.  I had left
the parcel open so that the PO assistant could see that what I was sending
were simply books.  I was told by the PO Asst that I was not allowed to send
any parcels to Iraq without a licence from the DTI.   I could send letters,
but not parcels.  I tried to contact the DTI, first by e-mail, then by
telephone and finally by snail mail.  The written communiaction I sent was
not indignant at all - all very polite.
As I have received no reply from the DTI, I am wondering if anyone at AMW
has any idea how I might get these books to Iraq.
Paul Harvey, The Annex, 540, Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 8EG.

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