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Re: [casi] FW: Galloway Ranaway


I found the message of Sama Hadad amusing... A clear
show of double standards...

Whatever reasons or motives Mr. George Galloway had
for not attending the forum, accusing him of defending
Saddam Hussein is an unjustified lie for which the
lady should be ashamed...

Then bintilhuda (the daughter of the right guidance!!)
states the following:
"..I do not take lesson in patriotism from a man who
calls the leader of his party 'mendacious".

Either she is British, where she should grant others
the right to their opinion when they want to criticize
their leaders (but that is not part of the vocabulary
of those so called opposition groups)... Or she is an
Iraqi, in which case she has no place criticizing Mt.
Galloway for his use of words when she calls her
President "a mass murderer"...

The pot calling the kettle black??

And by the way, Tony Blair is a dishonest liar....
What would Miss Hadad call a PM who presents a "fine"
British intelligence dossier built on plagiarized
essays with 12-year-old  "revelations,"???
What adjective would Miss Hadad use to describe Tony
Blair, if mendacious is not acceptable to her? Would a
simple "liar" suffice, or perhaps "dishonest"??

But Sama Hadad and her group want to believe the
British whose history in the area, and especially in
Iraq and Palestine, is one of deceit and lying... She
is too young and too British to know that...

Islam DOES NOT accept the concept that my enemy's
enemy is my friend...
But then again, who am I to give lessons in patriotism
or religion??


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