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[casi] Re: Human Shields.

Dear List-friends,

You may recall, a short while ago, that an appeal was sent out, particularly
directed to friends in Baghdad. The objective: to try contacting Judith
Empson, a 'human shield', from the West Midlands, UK, and inform us of the
outcome. Not for the first time, Ghazwan was quick to help out. He & a
friend managed, very successfully, to meet up with Judith, then to report
back to the CASI List - and we are more than grateful for this.

Since then, Mr. Simon Dickason, reporter from the newspaper, 'The Birmingham
Post', has been in touch. He is interested in making contact with any
individuals from the Birmingham/West Midlands area (UK). The only one I know
of is Judith, further contact with her would be a top
priority. If anyone knows anyone else, from the same area, all the better. -
Might Judith, and perhaps others, be allowed to use e-mail facilities, in

If anyone out there, in the UK, in Baghdad etc. has any information,
contacts, ideas etc., please share it with us. Partly, we would, very much,
like to be of assistance, to Simon, in his endeavours. Also, not least, we
would cherish links with Iraqi friends, and also those dedicated people, who
are risking their lives for the people of Iraq.

Sincere greetings,

Bert Gedin,

Birmingham, UK.

>From: "Simon Dickason" <>
>Subject: Re: Human Shields.
>Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 07:48:33 +0000
>Dear Bert,
>Thanks for your reply.
>If you could pass my details to your Iraqi contact and send a note to the
>CASI list, I would be grateful. I have already e-mailed Gazwan, who I
>assume is the man in Baghdad you mentioned, but I'm not sure how
>Also, do you know which anti-sanctions group in the UK she is a member of?
>Many thanks,
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: "Bert Gedin" <>
>Subject: Human Shields.
>Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 23:32:04 +0000
>Dear Simon,
>Thanks for your e-note, and I'm pleased you got in touch.
>I wrote a short piece about Judith Empson (you may have seen some media
>reports about her). As far as I know, she is still in Baghdad, as human
>shield at a food warehouse. I haven't (although, members, incl. myself, of
>an anti-sanctions group, which Judith attended, on occasion, got to know
>her) had any direct contact with her, but indirect. An Iraqi resident of
>Baghdad, who has also had exchanges with CASI, responded to an appeal &
>sought J.E. out, spending, I believe, a few hours with her. I could either
>contact him directly, or, again, put a message out on CASI. There may be
>others there from the West Mids, however, I do not know of anyone else.
>Local Radio had an interview with Sue Darling - she seems to be one of the
>leaders, but I have no idea whether, or not she resides in West Mids.
>Please let me know how best to proceed.
>Greetings,  Bert.

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