The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Dear Casi,
      I know the rules are to keep posts specific to UK and try to keep it to 1 a day , but I just 
received an email asking for help from all those living around NYC.  Move on needs people to hold 
signs outside the UN monday morning , when they deliver the petition to the UN asking to vote NO to 
war.  The request reads:

         We need your help to increase media attention for our press conference to support the 
petition delivery to the UN Security Council. We need people to hold banners.Please show up to one 
or both venues. Thanks.
                       Outside the U.S. Mission to the UN
                        799 UN Plaza, 1st Ave, corner of 45th St.
                        9:30 A.M.  - 11:30 AM
                        Monday, March 10th

                      2nd Venue

                       Outside of the Crowne Plaza UN Hotel
                       304 East 42nd  Avenue
                       11:00 AM -   11:45 AM
                        Monday, March 10

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