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Re: [casi] ... And why I will not

Dear Roger, Mohammed Ali, and List,

> I would hope that those of you who critique the antiwar,
> propeace movement as a single entity would knock it off.
> We are not some monolithic entity and your suggestion that
> we are missing the human rights issues in the countries
> concerned is an example of a general lack of insight. And
> as to the claims that this movement stems from
> "embarrassment" I don't even know how to respond to this.

Thank you for saying that, Roger. I'd even go a little
further than you.

It seems CASI is being infiltrated by all sorts of people:
Admonitions are being submitted by United States Air Force
personnel, the 'we demand' Iraqi Progress Opposition, and
whoever else is annoyed by peace sentiments expressed
by CASI members.

And now a lengthy "analysis" by Mohammed Ali who is "Iraqi
by birth, a Kurd by ethnicity and British by residence".
He talks about the "anti-sanctions and anti-war camp" and
graciously allows that "not everyone in this camp is
necessarily an apologist of the Iraqi regime".
Muchas gracias, Mr. Ali!

"War is simply diplomacy by other means", ventures Mr. Ali.
He is entitled to this truism. But it isn't CASI's mandate
to discuss the pros and cons of war. CASI is dedicated to
the lifting of sanctions - and by extension the elimination
of war. So CASI is committed to peace... until it changes
its mandate.

For that reason missionary work for war seems inappropriate,
even by someone who is "Iraqi by birth".

CASI was born out compassion, I believe. So members
are united in this sentiment. Nationality, ethnicity,
residence, religion, political affiliation, etc. are irrelevant.
As the fox said to the little Prince, "it is only with the
heart that one can see rightly; what is important is
invisible to the eye". I like to think that CASI members
agree with the fox.

So please, Mr. Ali, et al, if you are tempted to criticize
CASI members for peace sentiments, DON'T. They are only
following their heart.

United in peace,
Elga Sutter

---------------Original Message---------------

Subject: Re: [casi] ... And why I will not
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 10:17:13 EST

In a message dated 03/13/2003 5:22:54 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> the left sticks to its principles of opposing America even to the
> of the aspirations of the people concerned. Recent examples are the
> republics of former federal Yugoslavia, Kosovo, East Timor (Indonesia)

I would hope that those of you who critique the antiwar, propeace movement
a single entity would knock it off.  We are not some monolithic entity and
your suggestion that we are missing the human rights issues in the
concerned is an example of a general lack of insight. And as to the claims
that this movement stems from "embarrassment" I don't even know how to
respond to this.

There are those among us who abhor violence and refute the notion that
violence can be solved by more violence.  I am all too aware of the
of the oppressed in Iraq, Palestine, and elsewhere.  But this suffering
not be alleviated in an acceptable fashion by killing those who suffer or
even those who cause this suffering.  Real solutions will only be arrived
when we admit to ourselves that "evil" is a scapegoat and understanding is
the cure.  SH is a bastard for a variety of reasons.  I would rather see
healed and sleepy, not murdered.  When we suggest that solving the problem
violence with more violence is acceptable we become that which we struggle

When you write about the "peace movement" you are writing about me.  If
want to know what I think, then ask me, don't assume.  When you write
the peace movement you are also writing about tens of millions of others
who come to the table with different ideologies and from different
points, don't lump us into a single category or single mindset.  To do so
disingenuous and is helpful for nothing except taking up space and
our keyboards.

By the way, Afghanistan is a shit storm according to the international
 I would hardly use that as an example of a successful intervention.  The
thousands of innocents who have already been killed there would probably
agree with you either, alas they are unable to respond.  The cluster
bombletts that sit on the ground waiting for a child and the DU seeping
the water and the plants will leave a story to tell for years to come.  Of
course the pipeline which is awaiting construction tells another story!

I refute the notion that we can liberate the people of Iraq with violence.
We must lift the economic sanctions whilst ending the proliferation of
weapons, the US is the leader in the sales of weapons, 45% globally.  The
people of Iraq will liberate themselves if that is their choice, but they
must be strong to do this.  The people of the world have always liberated
themselves throughout history!  WE outside Iraq can bring pressure to the
regime in various fashions that do not involve murder.  It has been done
before, it will work again.  We must not punish the citizens but work to
change the leadership, peacefully.  We will do the same in the US when
wake up and see the corruption of the system by the corporations.

Peacefully yours,

Roger Stroope
Austin College
Sherman Texas, USA

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