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[casi] new campaign to deselect pro-war Labour MPs

Dear List

Any members of the list who are Labour Party members in the UK may be
interested in a new campaign to remove Labour MPs who are pro-war from
standing as Labour candidates in any forthcoming election. As it happens,
the reselection process is currently going on, and local constituency
parties can translate their opposition to the war into action to remove
pro-war Labour MPs.

The site to assist with this process is:

For non-Labour Party members, the new sections on the government's
"techniques of deceit", and on the stated positions of all MPs on Iraq, may
come in useful. If you're able to contribute further information about any
MPs' positions on Iraq, please do email: <>

(Yes, Robin Cook's entry is currently being changed)

At the moment, the site is quite basic, so help would be greatly

For Labour Party members, the site also provides a guide to how to deselect
an MP.

All the best

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