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Re: [casi] How much are we payin our "allies"?- coalition etc

Dear Li, Cathy, Dermot etc.,

Yes certainly others are (contributing troops- few and more so specialist
units), but as Chirac "asked", best that they keep silent. It's very hard to
walk a diplomatic tightrope when people are pulling at both sides. Perhaps
it is best worth noting that few are talking up support for the US, and not
entering into the American game of making pawns of some of them.

Some do not ask for financial rewards. I know intentions may be good in
trying to avert war, but I prefer not to imply that because one or two
countries will receive donations (even Turkey with its vast package will
lose out by the war) or compensation that all are acting on greed.(The US
has helped some countries in the past in no small way- some feel a debt of
freedom and security; equally for some they cannot take political Blair-like
risks and ally themselves beside Russia).

Sorry if I sound negative,
Hope all is well,
P.S. A couple of examples:
Lithuania (its small number of troops are peacekeeping in Afghanistan)-
sending doctors (dentists I was told)
Poland approx 200 troops (unconfirmed)
Czech Republic- a chemical weapons response unit.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Li Saavedra" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 3:13 PM
Subject: [casi] How much are we payin our "allies"?

> Can anyone give me the figures for what the U.S. is
> paying the following "allies"?
> Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria,
> Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador,
> Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia,
> Hungary, Italy, Japan (post conflict), South Korea,
> Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Nicaragua,
> Philippines, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey,
> United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.
> I see they're calling Turkey one of the allies, but I
> thought that was still a flux situation.  I don't
> think anyone's altered the figure for popular
> opposition:  94 percent.
> At any rate, the figures would help in documenting all
> this.  Also, whether anyone but Bulgaria and Australia
> are sending any troops.
> Thanks you,
> Lisa
> =====
> "They [most followers of Christ around the world] know that when Jesus
said: 'Suffer the little children to come unto me for theirs is the Kingdom
> Heaven,' he did not mean sending them there prematurely in wooden boxes."
> (Linda Heard, "Are You a Friend of Freedom," ONLINE JOURNAL, January 23,
> 2003)
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