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[casi] Words of Encouragement

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If you are opposed to this war on Iraq and you have been feeling despondent depressed or angry over 
recent events, I hope you might take some heart from the words below. I think it says it all.

Best wishes,


"Truth is not the first casualty of war. It is the second. The first is compassion. As soon as war 
is declared, positions are polarised. THEY are wrong – THEY deserve to die. WE are right. WE are 
entitled to kill. Such chilling sentiments belong to our primitive past, not our enlightened 
future. The current conflict has one blessing. It takes place against a climate of disagreement. 
The propaganda machine isn’t brainwashing us properly. We can see innocents about to die, and we 
cannot see how this can be right. Awareness is the first step to change. Change will yet come."

Jonathan Cainer   Daily Mirror      19th March 2003.

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