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Re: [casi] "UN must lift sanctions-" Russia

Dear List,

Major General Vladimir Slipchenko, noted Russian government military
expert has concerns about Iraq. Any constructive ideas including from
Russia, should be welcomed. Is, however, the Major General, equally
concerned over warfare closer to home, i.e. against Chechneya & the
Chechneyan people?  Politicians & military should not think that the
fighting in Iraq provides useful diversion from other conflict situations.
And, if there is an ammount of "contactless" war in Iraq, Russia has been
involved with numerous direct engagements, to devastating effect, in

Bert Gedin.

>From: "ppg" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [casi] "UN must lift sanctions-"  Russia
>Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 15:49:32 -0500
>[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
>(Russia seems to be insisting on going back to UN)
>calls by some Duma deputies that Russia renounce the UN-imposed
>economic sanctions against Iraq, Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said
>categorically that the sanctions were put in place by the UN Security
>Council and may only be lifted by that body, RIA-Novosti reported on
>20 March. The main condition for lifting the sanctions is Iraq's
>disarmament, which must be verified by international inspectors,
>Ivanov said
>And also, same source: a warning to Bush:
>Major General Vladimir Slipchenko,
>a noted military analyst, commented that the U.S. military is a full
>technological generation ahead of the rest of the world, including
>Russia, ORT reported on 20 March. Slipchenko said this advantage
>should enable the United States to conduct a "contactless" war,
>meaning that it will be able to destroy the Iraqi military at
>considerable distances and largely avoid direct engagements.
>Slipchenko also said that the Iraqi military's greatest weakness is
>its senior commanders. Under any totalitarian regime, he said, there
>is a lack of people who are able to think independently and
>creatively. Major General Aleksandr Vladimirov, vice president of the
>government's Collegium of Military Experts, said the United States
>demonstrated its overwhelming military superiority during its
>campaigns in the Balkans, Afghanistan, and, now, Iraq. These
>demonstrations have "frightened many countries," which are now making
>intense efforts to boost their military strength.
>  Russia, Vladimirov
>said, has one unique advantage in that it can still destroy the
>United States within 20 minutes with a massive nuclear strike, ORT
>reported on 20 March.
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