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Re: [casi] Peace making

On 27 Mar 2003 at 15:27, Colin Rowat wrote:

> It is my sense that two things are true about the present situation in
> Iraq:
> 1. Iraq is at war, and Iraqis are being killed in much larger numbers
> than they have been for some time.
> 2. there will be a new government of Iraq after this period.

It looks as though item two will not happen unless there is a lot
more of item 1. Many people do not want this to happen and are
working against the war which also has the added benefit of making
the invaders more careful in their war.

Some people worry about civilians getting killed by bombs in Baghdad.

Some people worry about civilians getting killed across the rest of
Iraq with noone knowing or counting.

Some people worry about the British laying siege to Basra and
starving the people into submission.

I worry about the fact that by going to war, the US/UK have halted
the oil for food program. This could well lead to many more
'invisible deaths'.

The war needs to be over quickly - either by surrender or
ceasefire/withdrawal. My view is that this is our immediate priority.

Mark Parkinson

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