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[casi] Short and Hoon

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Some key points:

Last night on Question Time, Geoff Hoon admitted that so far no weapons
of mass destruction have been found.

Tonight on Channel 4 News, Clare Short said that the Iraqis have enough
food stored for two months, and that water and power are being restored
in Basra after the battles by the Red Cross.

The UN has voted to restore the 'Oil for Food' programme..does anyone
know how this is going to be adminstered?

The experts are now saying that the war is going to be a long haul as
guerillas take up arms.

Blair said yesterday that 'Iraq will be liberated'. The 'liberators' are
clearly not being greeted with open arms.

Russians are saying war on Iraq is the most serious crisis since the end
of the Cold War.

Oil prices are going up but a few months ago a Pentagon spokesman said
that enough oil had been stock piled to stabilise prices in event of

Our protests and pressurising have restrained the US military. Iraqi
lives are being saved.

But we must keep insisting that we will not accept 'collateral damage'
of any kind.

Lila Patel

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