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[casi] Fwd: [bham_network] Pontifications from an Ivory Tower.

To CASI & Junior CASI (written in haste, last night - not unflawed). BG.

>From: "Bert Gedin" <>
>Subject: [bham_network] Pontifications from an Ivory Tower.
>Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 23:52:39 +0000
>Dear Young & Old on the List,
>This guy may be long in the tooth, an old fuddy-duddy. But he still has a
>few brain-cells left, which, intermittently, he mobilises to attempt a
>little cerebral activity.
>A new phenomenon has appeared: school students have come out of hiding, to
>express their views, publicly, in organised fashion. Good, bad, or...? Some
>personal thoughts, sil vous plais. - A few weeks ago, I
>witnessed an amazing spectacle: a well-attended student rally, in
>City Centre. It was nothing, if not loud, lively, joyous & loud. It
>certainly would have impressed many, who had ventured out, perhaps, for
>w/e shopping.
>Anyone, young, middle-aged or old, could benefit from doing their
>'home-work' about the issues, from books, journals, films, newspapers, TV,
>'the net', through personal exchanges with family & friends etc., in school
>or out of school. My feeling is, if you see what I mean, one should be
>simple, yet not simplistic. Don't just chatter, but listen & learn, too.
>to think the issues through, and observe from various angles, including
>views of political opponents, & from diverse foreign governments, e.g.
>Norway or China. Endeavor to go beyond the words, rather than mere
>face-value acceptance. Be mindful of differing interests involved,
>political, religious, territorial, military, financial etc. Never be
>just to shout the slogans, unless you have really understood the issues.
>At Chamberlain Square, I watched as some school speakers were trying to
>themselves heard above all the excitement & shouting. To my mind,
>although it's natural that young people lack much experience,
>self-discipline is needed, to achieve maximum effect. After all, serious
>issues are involved, it should entail more than just an excuse for skiving,
>or a fun day out. To, as some did, hurl sticks & bottles in the air, is
>pointless & silly. It could be dangerous, too. It might also alienate
>people, esp. those who have been struck by a flying missile.
>So, what conclusions to draw, what is "the big picture"? The youthful
>enthusiasm, undeniably, has been quite overwhelming. Despite some teething
>problems, presently, the student anti-war movement has been an encouraging
>development. Hopefully, the kids won't allow themselves to be 'hijacked' by
>any agit/prop from older folks, however well-meaning. -War is cruel &
>pitiless, no less so when "our" government is one of the perpetrators. The
>youth, of this land, may well have something to say about it - loud and
>Hotmail messages direct to your mobile phone

Worried what your kids see online? Protect them better with MSN 8

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