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[casi] Jo Wilding, UK human rights activist back from Iraq

Press release April 1st 17:30
07979 211897

Jo Wilding, UK human rights activist back from Iraq

Anti war activist Jo Wilding landed back in the UK today at 17:00, six and a
half weeks after she travelled to Iraq as a human rights observer.
Over the past 6 weeks people all over the world have read Jo's diaries from
Baghdad at in which she has charted the fear
of Iraqis pre war and the devastation, pain and suffering inflicted upon
them since the commencement of the illegal US/UK attack . She has met and
interviewed many of the Iraqis who have already lost family members or been
wounded themselves in attacks on civilian targets.
Jo, who was expelled yesterday by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry said,
"The US and UK Governments is killing Iraqi civilians in their homes, cars,
buses and marketplaces, in apparent breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
The war must stop now"

Call Jo Wilding on 07979211897

sign the pledge of resistance to the "war on terrorism"

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