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Re: [casi] Iraq imported chewing gum machines through OFF?

Dear Eric,

This claim could be true. However, submitting a
request to the sanctions committee to import items is
not the same as "importing" these items. We do not
know if Iraq was allowed to import those items; most
probably it was not allowed.
If, on the other hand, the purchase was authorized,
then why is Straw complaining? His government would
have given the permission to Iraq at the UN to import
these items, while putting urgent ones on hold...
Speak of hypocrisy!

We should also look at the history of the British
Government's lies on Iraq (the dossier, the forged
documents on Uranium, the ongoing war propaganda etc…)
before believing anything they say.

According to Iraq's Trade Minister, since 1996 Iraq
has sold oil worth 64 billion dollars, and imported
"humanitarian" goods worth 21 billion...
George Bush asked his Congress for 74 billion dollars
for a war that should be quick, surgical and would
"liberate" Iraq.. 74 billion for a few weeks, and 64
billion for over 6 years?? What does Straw say about

By the way, a friend sent me the following:
If CON is the opposite of PRO,
Is CONGRESS the opposite of PROGRESS ??


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